Preparing your 485 visa application for post-university career
Common pitfalls and mistakes and how you can avoid them
With exams over and results due to come out over the next few weeks many international students find themselves preparing to apply for their 485 Temporary Graduate Visa, but are you really ready?
There are several common mistakes that international students make when applying for their temporary graduate visa. We have seen several 485 applicants who went ahead and did their visa by themselves without seeking migration assistance beforehand. Due to flaws with their application, they had their visa refused and are ineligible to apply for the visa again. West Aussie Migration knows how to avoid these mistakes and due to our experience, we can assist you to lodge the application with all the required documents to avoid disappointment from a visa refusal. If you have the following you are likely eligible for a 485 visa, allowing you to work in your profession in Australia for up to four years according to your circumstances.
You must have your English results ready at the time of application
If you cannot provide evidence of your English language ability when you apply your application will be refused. If you provide an expired IELTS or PTE result fore example, or if the test was taken after you have applied your visa will be refused. This is a steadfast rule.
You must have applied for an Australian Federal Police check before you make application
This is a really straight forward thing to do. Just visit the website here and make an application. You can then include the receipt in your visa application and add the AFP certificate later when it eventually arrives in the mail. Do not apply for a state police clearance, just a federal one.
You must apply within 6 months of finishing your course
We know from experience that many students like to put things off to the last minute. Just make sure that you get your visa application in within 6 months of finishing your course.
You must apply while you are onshore
Want to travel home after exams and party? That is fine, but make sure you get your application in first. As a primary applicant, you cannot lodge a subclass 485 temporary graduate visa while you are offshore. Please note that this is not a complete list of all of the requirements for a temporary graduate visa. For more information about temporary graduate visas or any Australian visa please do not hesitate to contact us via info@westaussiemigration or via our website. MARN 1387008