Priority migration skilled occupation list – covid 19
In the scenario involving COVID 19 and the current economic situation of the labor market in Australia, the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL) was recently released by Immigration. It will allow qualified professionals to return to the country.
This list was made with the advice of the National Skills Commission in consultation with relevant Commonwealth agencies and will be reviewed regularly.Alan Tuge, acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, said, “Our priority is getting Australians back into work but we also need key health workers to help fight the virus and skilled migrants who are going to be job multipliers, to help the economy recover,”
The occupation on the list are:
• Chief Executive or Managing Director (111111)
• Construction Project Manager (133111)
• Mechanical Engineer (233512)
• General Practitioner (253111)
• Resident Medical Officer (253112)
• Psychiatrist (253411)
• Medical Practitioner nec (253999)
• Midwife (254111)
• Registered Nurse (Aged Care) (254412)
• Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) (254415)
• Registered Nurse (Medical) (254418)
• Registered Nurse (Mental Health) (254422)
• Registered Nurse (Perioperative) (254423)
• Registered Nurses nec (254499)• Developer Programmer (261312)
• Software Engineer (261313)
• Maintenance Planner (312911)
By filling the urgent needs in the market it will be possible to create new jobs in Australia promoting the growth of the economy.Information about Australia’s travel exemption processes for those in critical skills and sectors is available at: https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/critical-skills-and…
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